Retro Seadoo PictureSeadoo covers might be the single most aspect to Seadoo maintenance.  Seadoos are expensive machines and need to be treated with care.  With the proper care and maintenance your Seadoo should last a good long time. Proper maintenance will also help your Seadoo keep it’s re-sale value.  Keeping a decent re-sale value, allows you to have the option of upgrading to a more powerful machine in the future without having to worry about going into too much debt.

I am pretty strict about my rules of Seadoo maintenance and as I result I have been well served by my Seadoo purchases.  In fact, I once sold a second hand Seadoo for the exact same amount I had paid for the Seadoo two years prior.  It was like I rented a Seadoo for free!

My rules of Seadoo maintenance include:

1.  I always rinse my machine with fresh water after I take it from the water.  After approximately every third use I wash my machine with warm soapy water.  I pay particular attention to rinsing and washing the plastic and rubber bits,

2. I clean my engine at least every three months,

3. I bring my machine to a certified Seadoo PWC mechanic at least once per year for a tune up.  I generally try to do this immediately before I put my Seadoo into winter storage,

4.  I never store my machine without a Seadoo cover.  In fact, I rarely leave my Seadoo PWC in the sun for more than 36 hours without putting on a cover; and most importantly

5. I never tow my Seadoo behind my car without durable and heavy weight Seadoo covers.  Towing a Seadoo uncovered is reckless and a sure way to get your machine covered with dings and nicks.

Do not be lazy.  Follow those simple tips outlined above, use Seadoo covers, and bring your machine to a certified mechanic.  You will not regret taking steps to keep your machine in great shape.

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